Written by Concept2 Inc. on November 14th, 2018.
Maybe you already have the RowErg or the SkiErg, or you might be one of the growing number of people who have both. Maybe you use all three ergs at your gym. We’ve been listening to our BikeErg customers, curious to know why they like it. Here are some of the reasons:
- Biking is so familiar and simple. Everyone knows how to do it, and you don’t have to think a lot about the technique.
- If you ever have aches, pains and injuries in the upper body, biking is a great option for staying fit using just the legs.
- Even if you don’t have upper body injuries, the BikeErg is a great way to target the leg muscles while still being impact-free.
- Cadence on the BikeErg is higher than on either of our other ergs, so it encourages quickness and a speed of muscle contraction that isn’t practical on the other ergs. Depending on your training goals, this may be helpful; in any case, it’s good variety.
- Biking is a popular way to warm up for a workout or cool down after a workout.
- The BikeErg offers a new opportunity to set personal bests and see your rankings against others! Log your workouts in our free Online Logbook and submit scores to the World Ranking to see you stack up in your age group.
- The same powerful PM5 monitor is used on all Concept2 ergs, so there’s no learning curve and it’s easy to compare workouts between all three ergs.
- There’s a wide selection of apps and training displays that work with indoor bikes, and many are compatible with the BikeErg. Visit our Other Apps webpage and check out your options.
- Multi-erg workouts are a great way to extend your workout time, volume, and effectiveness. If you’re hoping to reach higher numbers of meters in the next online challenge, the BikeErg may be a helpful tool.
- You can even check your email while you’re on the BikeErg. Not that we encourage constant multi-tasking, but there are times when it’s great to be able to multitask while warming up or cooling down.